CA20 Continuous Improvement

Organizational change as part of the business lifecycle, when positive, fuels continuous improvement and growth. Without positive change, the organization will eventually expire. An effective continuous improvement strategy is contingency-based, but dependent on structure that is aligned with the core values of the organization. Research shows the most successful models incorporate common elements of incremental improvement, [...]

CA19 The Value Chain

The value chain is used to identify opportunities for differentiation or cost advantage, helping the organization to select the most profitable differentiation or cost variables. The appropriate level for constructing a value chain is the business unit. As products pass through a chain of activities in order, they should gain value in each step. The chain [...]

FM16 Key Performance Indicators

This course examines how an organization can identify the wide range of Key Performance Indicators (KPI) required to assess the current level of performance of individuals, work units and departments, and the organization overall. It examines the linkage between core business objectives, stated internal and external goals, performance standards and expectations, and KPI’s. The course includes [...]

FM14 Asset Management

While asset management is a phrase commonly used in the financial industry, it is the coordinated activities of any organization to realize value from its assets. This course looks at the processes used to effectively develop, operate, maintain, upgrade, and dispose of assets cost-effectively. Assets are typically considered to be the resources used by the organization [...]

OPS12 SWOT Analysis

Developing a fuller awareness of the business; its strengths and weaknesses; opportunities and threats; aids in strategic planning and effective decision making. SWOT analysis can offer valuable perspectives at any stage of the organization’s evolution. The purpose of the analysis is to reveal positive forces and synergies that can drive the venture forward, and potential problems [...]

OPS11 Community Relationships

Community relationships can be a symbiotic relationship between an entire local community, a constellation of clients and partners within your business community, a community-based organization or agency and your business. These relationships can be short-lived and serve one purpose or be widespread and sustained over years. Regardless of the duration, the community relationship has the potential [...]

OPS09 The Leadership Management Dichotomy

This course examines the managerial aspects of leadership and the significance of efficiency, preparedness, and effectiveness in managing the work environment. Leaders must be managers, and managers must be leaders. Both functions involve influencing others, working with groups, and goal accomplishment. Knowing when and why to play each role is a key to your success. While [...]

OB07 Working with Teams

Effective workplace teams go through an evolutionary process as they move toward collaboration and productivity. Facilitating higher functioning and higher efficiency means breaking down barriers such as isolation among staff, and increasing commitment to the organization's mission and vision. Teamwork combines a variety of objectives that require component tasks in completing the team goal. Members play [...]

OB05 Referent Power & Staff Leadership

This course provides insights into the true power relationships in the workplace. While traditional power structures are designed to provide a chain of command in achieving the goals of the organization, referent or expert power is often the most influential factor in determining staff compliance, motivation and achievement. Referent power is the power of a leader, [...]

HR04 Diversity & Respect in the Workplace

People want to work for and do business with organizations that demonstrate respect as part of their culture. Whether it is with co-workers, customers, suppliers, or anyone you encounter, respectful conduct has no downside, and is desired and expected in every interaction. Respect isn’t just about words. Research worldwide shows no other behavior by leaders in [...]

HR03 The Discipline Process

Successful work units encourage independent thinking and creative problem solving, motivate and inspire staff, and reduce and eliminate negative influences and activities that hinder productivity and harmony. Employee relations in a large workplace is typically directed by a Human Resources department, but even in large organizations and unionized environments, unit managers must understand and be able [...]

HR01 Communication & Recognition

The skilled communicator enhances employer-employee relationships, commitment to organizational purpose and goals, employee satisfaction and motivation, and a positive workplace culture. Effective communication skills also support self-development in helping to clarify your thoughts, understand the meaning of others not only from their words but also their nonverbal cues, and effectively convey information, feelings, and opinions. Interpersonal [...]

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