Language & Heritage Programs

CultureQumark works with public organizations in preserving cultural heritage. Qumark can help to turn your native language and cultural stories into interactive online and/or mobile lessons for future generations. Qumark can be your guide through the process of course development and lesson distribution.

To see an example of what it could be like to preserve your language and culture, and engage people in learning your heritage, find out more by reading about the project and viewing the demonstration video completed for the Cultural Education Center at the Sto:lo Nation.

Involve Your Community In Program Development

As part of the language program development, Qumark involves your local community in the process.

  • Traditional stories are collected from elders or sources available to the band
  • Local band members can be used for voice-overs in the lesson modules
  • If your band has a local employment policy or a need to find practical training for band members (e.g., high school grade teens studying the arts), they can be included and employed in roles such as photography, research or production

Qumark compiles the course into an interactive online or mobile learning program that can be accessed on demand, either on a local computer or anywhere there is an Internet, wireless or network connection. When your community leads in developing the language program, the ownership of it increases interest in the program and helps to raise participation levels. Reach your goal of passing on the language to future generations by including your community in developing their own language-learning program.

Contact us to learn more.